You remember when you were little and you would get that giddy feeling going back and forth and your stomach would flip and flop around? Well that is how I felt when I saw my followers turn over to 3001!!
A year ago, I joined just to put outfits together and then I found Victorian sets, and gorgeous dolls and fantasy sets and it really opened a whole new world for me, me the least creative person the good Lord ever put on this earth!! But I found a sort of talent that brought out that creative side I didn't think existed.
But you want to know the very best part? The amazing and lifelong friendships I have made here with all of you. I know we may never meet face to face, but the friendships are still as strong as if I had known most of you all my life. For those of you that I haven't been able to interact with as much for whatever the reason, I hope that changes and we can get to know each other.
There are so many people I want to list individually, but I know I would probably forget 2997 of you and then I would feel just awful! So I hope you know who you are, the brownie lover, the classy victorian lady, my mega hugger, my sweet angel, and all my sweeties who I love as sisters and adore as people! Thank you all my sweeties for your support, kindness, love,everything, you make my world a better place!
Much love and hugs my darlings!!
Cindy 🌹♡♡Hugs♡♡🌹

I got this lovely note from someone who said these exact sentiments!
But it was just to coax me into doing something I don't really want to do.
I mean..I dunno all the characters to assign to people. I'm not much for animated movies anymore. I don't want to change my icon. And well...I've got other creative projects on my mind..and well..I'd just rather let so many of you know..You do mean the world to me!
So I thought I'd start my own hash tag. Of course, it might already be there.
But yes..I want to wear PINK this OCTOBER and give to many charities for those in need. And of course, not to forget about giving canned goods and such for food pantries that are always in dire need of peanut butter etc, tooth paste and other hygiene products, as well.
for @dxireddiamond for all her love of life and sweet thoughts and support given to me over the years. Hugs sweet friend
My dear sweet friend,I hope you like this set I made for you with love,to thank you very much for the WONDERFUL sets you did to me,your kindness and your support.God bless you.
Love you xoxo <3