Because I wanted to encourage and uplift my Polyvore friends and followers. I wanted to remind them of how beautiful they are, so I created this set.
This set is dedicated to all of my beautiful Polyvore friends and followers! I just want you all to be reminded of this and to remember how beautiful and special that you all are!
If you are anything like me then it helps to be reminded:
That you are beautiful, even when you don't think you are-- And even then you are probably your most beautiful.
That you are strong, even when you don't think you are-- And even then you are probably at your most strongest.
That you are kind, even when you don't think you are-- And even then you are probably the most kindest.
That you are loved, even though you can't see it-- And even then you are loved even more.
That you aren't alone, even though you may feel like it-- And that's when your true friends show.
This is dedicated to all of my Polyvore friends and followers!
However, there are some beautiful friends that I would like to say I love you to as well!
I love you all so much! Thank you for all of your kindness, support, and friendship!
And if I forgot you, I really do apologize as I more than likely love you, too! You are all so very beautiful! Never forget that! Always remember to be kind to one another and to always spread joy and happiness to those around you! :)
One of my faves song:
Alicia Keys - Tell You Something
With love,