Because I wanted to make a set thanking my Polyvore friends for all of their support, love, and kindness. And for their patience as well, so I created this set.
Thank you all for all of your love and support!
I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!
I really appreciate all of the comments, the likes, the friendships, the support, etc!
I'm so touched by all of you!
I haven't been able to keep up with all of the activity on here at all! LOL!
And I probably will never be able to catch up on all that I've missed out on.
However, instead of trying to return all of the likes back, I've decided to make dedication sets to say thanks instead. It's just easier for me.
It will still take some time though.
So please continue to be patient!
I have a list that I'm working from and that list will continue to grow.
If your name is on my list, then a set will be made for you at some point in time.
As I make the dedication sets, I will also be following the people that I make them for back in case I'm not doing so already.
So again, thank you all so much for all of your patience, love, support, and kindness!
I really do appreciate it and it hasn't gone unnoticed! ;)
I hope you are all having a great start for 2015!
And please remember to always spread love and kindness! :)
Love you all from the bottom of my heart,
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Hello lovely viewer! Thank you so much for viewing my art sets and polyvore creations! I REALLY appreciate it! And if you're leaving a comment, thank you so much! I will respond back to you as soon as I can, and I will be sure to check out your blog as well! Have a lovely day! Love ya! x0x0x0x! :)